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One Breath at a Time

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Hi Everyone, this week we read up to p144. " I got up and went..." We talked about letting go of our character defects and about being ready. We talked about "what appears as the last barrier between me and emptiness" p141 For Kevin, it was his music that was a big part of his identity.

So this week's question to contemplate is what is that for you? What stands in the way of your "emptiness"?

Also, he talked about the "insistent visitors" strong thoughts that repeat over and over" and suggested making a Top Ten List as a way of beginning to let go of them.

What would be on your Top Ten list?

For me, there are lots of things standing in the way of my emptiness, and certainly my creativity and idea of who I am are a big part of it. As for my Top Ten, the recurring thoughts that come up often have to do with self-judgment and fear of the future. I have learned to notice them and am always surprised at how often they reappear even though I've done a lot of inner work to let go of them. I guess it's progress, not perfection.

What about you?



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