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Drop the Rock

Public·7 members

This week, we read up to page 92 of Drop the Rock: The Ripple Effect. In our group discussion, we explored the concept of the ripple effect, focusing on how it manifests within ourselves and creates a feedback loop that extends to others. As we continue working through Step Ten, we become increasingly aware of this ripple effect operating within us. This awareness helps us recognize the internal feedback loop that shapes our character and influences our decisions. Step Ten allows us to see this ongoing cycle more clearly and empowers us to make intentional, loving choices rather than reacting impulsively out of fear.

We also discussed how recognizing the ripple effect in others deepens our understanding of human connection. By cultivating internal discernment, we become more attuned to the subtle signals people give about their inner states. While we cannot read minds, we can sense the energy others project,…

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Tonight the group read to page 38 and discussed sustainable and unsustainable emotions while working step 10. We learned that it's important to check in with our emotions as they arise in each moment. Before working the steps, we categorized our emotions as enemies. Our lives consisted mostly of wanting to experience pleasant emotions and avoid unpleasant ones. Just as anything else in life, emotional regulation requires a healthy balance. As we work a consistent 10th step, we begin to see that an imbalance of character traits can create its own problems. These imbalances are forms of spiritual illness that will prevent a spiritual solution, which fuels self-will. A life out of balance is always unsustainable and unmanageable, whether it involves self-centeredness, self-will, or self-sacrifice.

Clayton Shemela
November 10, 2024 · updated the description of the group.

Welcome to the Drop the Rock Group. This group is for the Wednesday night meeting. I will post updates to help you stay on track with the group.

Yours in service,

Clayton S.


Welcome to the Drop the Rock Group. This group is for the We...

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