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One Breath at a Time

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Hi Everyone, this week we read up to p144. " I got up and went..." We talked about letting go of our character defects and about being ready. We talked about "what appears as the last barrier between me and emptiness" p141 For Kevin, it was his music that was a big part of his identity.

So this week's question to contemplate is what is that for you? What stands in the way of your "emptiness"?

Also, he talked about the "insistent visitors" strong thoughts that repeat over and over" and suggested making a Top Ten List as a way of beginning to let go of them.

What would be on your Top Ten list?

For me, there are lots of things standing in the way of my emptiness, and certainly my creativity and idea of who I am are a big part of it. As for my Top Ten,…

Hi Everyone, this week we read up to pg 137, so we will be starting step six next week!! We discussed Right Listening and talked about how it can be applied to meetings where you listen more than you talk. We also talked about those things that supplement our recovery journey, like Yoga, meditation, walks in nature etc...

So here's this week's question: on pg 133 He suggests that when we get bored or frustrated at meetings we begin to investigate our own aversion "What was said that triggered those thoughts and feelings? What in me was reacting to those words?"

Have you done this while at or after a meeting and what have you discovered?

For me, there were/are certain people whose shares really work my last nerve, and I had to work on applying this principle. I had to ask myself why it bothered me so much and…

Hi Everyone, this week we read up to p 131 Right Listening. We talked about Right Speech and Noble Friends and Conversation and how important it is in recovery.

What has been your greatest tool when it comes to Right Speech and/or having Noble friends and conversation. Has it been being able to pause? Or perhaps changing your language? even in your self talk? or perhaps watching the tone of your speech and acknowledging that "nicey nice" speech isn't good, but that it's how you make people feel that is what's important.

I know this has been true for me. I discourage texting anything of importance or anything emotionally charged for that very reason...the other person doesn't hear your tone and can read it wrong, and in my experience, they usually do. I try to take responsibility for this and try to remember to text, "can we talk?" rather than…

Hi Everyone, This week we read up to pg 124 "In Asia,..." We are in Step Five now and talked about sharing and vulnerability and positive inventory and how hard that can be for us.

So here's a contemplative question for you: how well do you accept compliments and have you learned the difference between acknowledging your positives and bragging from a place of ego?

For me, this is a continuing practice and often not a clear line. I have learned and continue to practice saying thank you without disqualifying or trying to lessen what someone says, but it still doesn't quite feel natural. I'm better than I used to be, but I aspire to get to a place where I am as comfortable acknowledging my gifts and talents as the Nigerian musician in the reading who said "Here's a beautiful song I wrote" p113 I'm not there yet. Chris…


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