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Gwen R.

Updated: Sep 21, 2023

In recovery, the 10th step tells me restraint of tongue and pen is a top priority.

The 5th chakra located in the throat is about communication. Learning to speak up when needed and to keep it zipped as appropriate is a tricky balancing act.

Developing the skill of stepping back and not reacting with words, written or otherwise, will save a lot of amends. Allowing the mind and emotions time to calm down is the first step.

Next, I "get honest." The demon of the throat chakra is lies. How can I process my feelings and thoughts accurately if I cannot be brutally honest with myself? I can't. Rigorous honesty is what the program calls for. That means admitting when the ego has stepped in. Letting go of being right. Looking at how far I am willing to go to be correct. What lies am I telling myself to save face?

Self-deception is defined as "The action or practice of allowing oneself to believe that a false or unvalidated feeling, idea, or situation is true" Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary.

Learning to get through the twists and tangles of my self-deceived mind is an ongoing journey that gets easier every time I do it, and it begins when I get quiet.

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